Celldweller HD AC3 Live Upon a Blackstar

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Featuring professional footage taken in the US, Russia, Canada, and Japan, Live Upon A Blackstar is the definitive document of the 2010/2011 Celldweller tour and captures a unique era of the live show. Songs from throughout Celldweller's career are revamped, remixed, and mashed up for an exclusive live experience that includes over 60 minutes of seamless, custom shot & edited backing video on 3 projection screens along with custom stage gear and lighting for a presentation that completely tears down and reconstructs the concept of a live show.


Рейтинг / / (30 мин) / 123
Год выхода 2011
Страна США Россия Япония Канада
Жанр Electronic Industrial Rock Metal
В ролях Scott Albert Blue Stahli
Длительность / (30 мин)